Thursday, February 25, 2010

LongArm Update

Well we went Monday to order the HandiQuilter Avante. Cheryl will place the order next week as there is a promo starting where the shipping is free. I am sooo excited. Now I need to check on pricing for charging customers.
We had a company over tonight to get an estimate on redoing the floor in the basement, and another coming on Sunday. Concrete overlay is what we are looking at doing.
I worked on the CW Scout Spirit Quilt blocks today, and got 2 more done, have 4 left to do then I wait to receive my set from Julia and Rita. I also put the layout on graph paper, looks good if I do say so myself.
I started a cleanse today. One to empty me out. A nice side effect would be to lose some weight while doing this over the next 2 weeks. Could stand to have about a 10lb loss....
Well it is getting late and I need to get some rest as tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


      Success is measured in so many ways. Take for instance: a long arm quilting machine. I have been wanting one for such a long time. I love to quilt, I use patterns and I create my own design. I recently told my husband that in order for me to keep quilting I was going to have to send my quilts to someone who had a Long Arm. This is because the lady that has the machine I am most comfortable using is very hard to pin down to get even one done. I have 3 quilts ready to be quilted, and working on 2 more currently. Also a small wall hanging but that can be done easily on my sewing machine.  I also informed him that in order to have them quilted by someone else we were looking in the ballpark of $100 per quilt. Also let him know that I have already one person who will have me do her quilts. Plus when I do classes for Beginning Quilting we can do from start to finish. So he suggested that we move my sewing room back to the other side of the basement where I will have better lighting, and more room. And he also said that the quilting machine could go. Plus he said I will have access to more outlets in that room. Wow. I was finally able to convince him. That is success. Now to order the Quilting Machine. I think perhaps we were going to do that on Saturday, but when we went to the quilt shop it was closed till Monday. I want to go through someone local so I order everything I need to get started. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself!!! I know, I know true success will be when I get it and it is in my sewing room.
      I just finished another quilt top, this one is named Sleepytime Sarah. I had enough fabric left to make a wall hanging /doll quilt. So I am working on that now. Had to take a break as Erin decided to take a nap. 
     Another view of success: Getting your daughter to get her taxes done early instead of procrastinating. Erin is now happy as she will see a refund. 
     And yet another view: Seeing your daughter and her fiance buy their first home and plan their wedding for next year. Yep, Rachel and Brandon will close on the 25th, and they have set the date for 9/2/2011.
      I have been working on the wii most every day. I have tried to do the Total Gym approx. every other day for about 10 minutes, and I walk. I am proud to say I have lost 6#s. And so far have kept it off. I am going to do a colon cleanse in the near future. Already placed an order, am going to use natural products so we'll see how that goes. They say that if you do a cleanse you remove alot of garbage, hence you lose weight. Nice side effect but I have actually been wanting to do one for sometime now. So we will see, I just hope it works.

Friday, February 19, 2010

This and that

Goodness, what have I been doing? Alot, but don't know if I can recall everything.
Well I have been very good about getting on the wii for at least 30 minutes a day. I have lost 5# total so far. Must admit I want to lose more! But it will come in time- just can't gain it back. I have been trying to add walking (when it's nice out), and the Total Gym to my routine.
Have been working on 3 quilts this past week. trying to get a Beginner's Quilting class together for Theresa and Emily. They are both interested in attending. the Scout quilt  (that's what I dubbed it) is coming along nicely. We are making 16 blocks, and I have 2 different layouts in my head. Going to put them down on paper today or this weekend hopefully. Am making a strip tube quilt, learned this method last week. So what do I do but stop and try it right away. Also have a RUG (really ugly fabric) which I am making into a quilt and with the extra a doll quilt or wall hanging. I have 2 or 3 quilts that are awaiting the longarm yet, so I guess I add 3 more to the pile. What would be nice it to own my own longarm, and I know which one I want. Just have to convince my husband.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wow!! wii is fun!

Got on the wii, as I do most days. I think I have only missed one day, and that was because we spent the day with Erin in Butte and visited Holly's new baby boy- Nathan. He is so adorable. I held him, fed him and just cuddled him. Ashley held him also,  and Nate's diaper actually leaked on him. It was funny. To see Ashley hold a baby was sooo cute. Talk about holding a baby, Erin did her fair share of it also. She even changed the diaper. It was a touching scene. Wish I would have brought my camera. When she gets the chance she will be a good Mommy herself.
But I digress. I was talking about the wii fit. Well when I got on yesterday I did the body test again and I lost over 1.something in BMI!!!! That is really encouraging. I was on it for the longest amount of time yesterday afternoon. Over 40 minutes. And I got back on for another 20 minutes, for 1:08. That's actually more than I want to do on a daily basis however I was having fun exercising the time passed quickly.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


We got the wii fit on Friday and I set it up. I got on it right away. Ashley did also after dinner. Boy some of the exercises are something. Those balance ones are tough being as I don't have the best balance. But it did give me an age of 30, Ashley was 58- but he didn't complete all the balance goals in time. When he does it again he'll lower- guaranteed. He registered to lose 2# a week, and my goal is 3#. I just hope we can do it.
We went to see Erin yesterday. We got her bed from Abbey's. She just has to get it delivered. She also has to get the frame from Heidi and Kevin. We also took her grocery shopping.
Oh and we lost a pound each this past week. I want to lose more each week though!